Want to travel on a train with less people?
You may want to travel at a time when the train is quiet so you have more space. To find a time when fewer people are travelling why not look at our busy train trends tool? Currently, our busiest times are morning and evening peak services.
We can help you with assisted travel
We want everyone to enjoy their journey. If you require assistance, we recommend booking in advance. You can do this through our Assisted Travel Team. They operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can book through any of the following methods.
Contact us by phone
- You can call us on: 0800 028 2878 (free from landlines & mobiles).
- Text Type: 18001 0800 028 2878.
- From outside the UK call: 0345 600 7235 (Option 4) or +44 345 600 7245
Use the Passenger Assist app
The passenger assistance app enables you to request assistance with a couple of clicks. You can download it for Android and Apple devices and get started today.
Use our assisted travel contact form
You can request assistance through our online form. This is done through our partner company Greater Anglia but will apply to all Stansted Express travel, details are requested in the form.
Check live departures for any disruptions
You can use our Live Departures page to see if you train is one time, check which platform to wait for your train and understand if there are any disruptions.
Looking for compensation on a delayed train?
If you arrive at your destination more than 15 minutes late, you can claim compensation through our delay repay scheme. You’ll need your ticket and journey details to make a claim. Please visit our Refunds page for more information.
Keep up to date with your train information
We use Twitter to keep people up to date with train information on the day. Follow us by going to @Stansted_Exp and clicking the follow button.